About Me

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I currently go to Texas State in San Marcos but I live in Austin. I just can't get away from the beautiful city! I love to go running around town lake. I nanny out towards westlake and enjoy being out on the lake atleast once a week. I am a very proud Texan and it will always have a big piece of my heart. I am the "Next Generation Left" on the political ideology quiz. My father growing up worked for Roger Williams and that is the closest I am to being influenced or having political experience. I am taking this course to learn more about Texas and the government to have a good understanding before I officially vote. I did alright on both quizzes, but would like to better my knowledge in Texas government.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Immigrant Children better vaccinated than Texas.

Lately on the news all we hear about is immigration.  I came across this article "Disease Threat From Immigrant Children Wildly Overstated" on the Texas Observer.  I thought it was really interesting how most immigrants are better vaccinated than Texan kids because the government provides it.  Where as, children who live in Texas can fall behind on vaccinations because they do not have healthcare insurance.  In League City, the City Council will not allow housing to undocumented immigrants.  They fear that they will have disease and they need to protect the citizens of Texas.  I think this is worth reading because it can open people's eyes and we can stop stereotyping immigrants from other countries.  It also makes me wonder why our children in Texas don't get free vaccinations. If the government funded vaccinations our world would be much better to live in and children wouldn't have to miss school as much.  This really allowed me to take a step back and question our healthcare system.  I hope other people read this article and realize that just because someone is foreign doesn't make them "dirty".

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